The Hills Community Church

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Pick Up Your Lamp

Devotional by Sadie Watje

“For it is you who light my lamp; the Lord my God lightens my darkness” 

Psalm 18:28

I was afraid of the dark as a child. Terrified of what may lie under my bed or behind the closet door. The darkness blinded my sense of safety and hope. Darkness felt impenetrable. Darkness wrapped my worst fears in a shiny bow and put it on my pillow. I would hold my breath under my covers waiting for just a glimpse of the morning sun, because it would mean that I was truly safe again.

When I say I’m afraid of the dark now it means something else. I’m afraid that someone I love will pass away. I’m afraid I’ll never get a college degree. I’m afraid that what I’ve done has permanently stained me. My darkness now looks like fear and a million “what if” questions.

In biblical times their lamps were often made out of pottery and could easily be transported if needed. I love that David uses the possessive pronoun “my” in this verse. It signifies a closeness. I possess something that can be lit up, and David tells us it is our darkness. The Lord is near to me as He lights my lamp. His light is something I can take with me. There are places I take my lamp to be lit that make sense: church, prayer, reading my bible, worship. I forget that I can get up from my knees being in his presence and take my lamp with me to the dark places I would rather ignore. I can take my lamp to my fear and watch it run away. I can take my lamp to my shame and watch the truth overcome it. I can take my lamp to my anxiety and watch it be stilled. I can pick up my lamp and watch His light cast away all darkness if I just choose to.

What would it look like to pick your lamp up from prayer, from serving, from reading His word and take it to that friendship, that family member, that sin? What rooms have you left dark that you haven’t invited him into? Where do you feel like your darkness is impenetrable?